Wednesday, May 13, 2020

6 Steps to Managing Your Job Search

6 Steps to Managing Your Job Search To find your next job, whether immediately or in the future, follow these six steps to managing your job search. Youll learn how to create a strategy that will help you land the right job. Every day I hear about another friend or family member who has lost their job. I empathize. The trouble with job search is that no one teaches you HOW to do it.  And even if you did learn long ago what to do during a job search, some things have changed. But what hasnt changed is the overarching process. These six steps to managing your job search. If you follow these steps youll know what youre supposed to be doing besides just tossing your resume around online.  6 Steps to Managing Your Job Search Step 1:   Assessment Assessing your self, and knowing what you want and need from your future job and employer is important. You want to align your purpose with the work you do. You also need to understand the demands in the labor market and industry trends. Step 2:   Research Conducting more in-depth research will help you better understand what skills you should highlight and what employers are really looking for. Step 3:   Presenting Yourself By this point in the process, you are ready to create your marketing materials (pitch, resume, marketing plan, etc.) Step 4:   Project Management The best way to keep your job search on track is to manage it like a project set goals and deadlines and hold yourself accountable. If youve never worked independently before, your job search can feel lonely. You dont have others to bounce ideas off of or to brainstorm with. Manage your job search with a blend of proactive and reactive job search strategies. Step 5:   Interviewing Strategies In order to perform your best during job interviews, youll want to prepare in advance. Honing stories to fit job descriptions, practicing your answers out loud and knowing what questions youll ask. Step 6:   Project update Every couple of weeks, evaluate the progress youve made. Analyze whats working and whats not working. Todays Job Search Years ago, you started this process by drafting a resume.  That is not the best way to begin your job search today. Heres why. In order to craft a resume, you need to understand and include the skills employers are looking for. Thats why this process starts with the really difficult step of self-assessment and market-place assessment. Networking Is Key Networking is the key activity to landing a new job. Did you know that over 60% of people find their next job by networking? Randomlyspraying and praying your resume around with the hope that someone may know of something just doesnt work. That is why you need a plan. Who do you need to meet inside target companies? Who is knowledgeable about your desired occupation? Who can you talk to and learn more about potential employers to target? You need a clear message. (And a clear message can only happen after you have assessed and researched the job market and prepared your marketing materials.) If these steps to managing job search were easy, you wouldnt need a sherpa to guide you through the process.   Sherpa-ing is what I do.

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